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Keep a Strict Sleep Schedule


Try and keep the same time for waking up and going to bed.  Clearly, it’s much easier to control your waking up time with an alarm clock. 


Transition Time


Begin to wind down about an hour before you plan to go to bed.  Start turning down the lights and start getting ready for bed.


Avoid looking at the clock


When you can’t sleep it’s not a great idea to look at the time.  It only adds to stress and keeps your mind thinking about how much sleep you aren't getting and how tired you’ll be the next day.


Control the Lighting 


Lighting at night (including electronics) can prevent the brain from producing melatonin which is associated with falling asleep. Keep the lights dim and the electronics off in the last hour before sleep. In the morning be sure to turn the lights on as it will help you wake up and stay awake. 




Avoid drinking any caffeine at least 5 hours prior to your bed time, but the less caffeine in your diet the better.




Many people feel that Alcohol helps them fall asleep- and it may- but it doesn’t help the quality of sleep. 




Naps should occur in the late afternoon and be no longer than 45 minutes. 





5 tips for better sleep

This video repeats a lot of what I listed as important but it's a good description of healthy sleep.

10 Amazing Tips for sleep

These are some kind of interesting and "different" ways to fall asleep.

Ted Talk on How to Sleep Better

Clinical Psychologist talking about improving Sleep.

Ted Talks on Sleep

Sleep- Engineering: Manipulating your Sleep

Interesting description of what is happening in our brain during sleep, and why we sleep.

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