Family Thearpy
I’ve been working with families as a social worker and a psychotherapist since 1997. Most of the individual work that I do with teens and young adults involves family work in one form or another. This could include regular content with the family of a client (with the client’s consent) or could include family therapy sessions.
Working with Teens
I have been working with teens in one form or another since 1997. It begins with establishing a sound and safe therapeutic relationship and then supporting their growth within the family unit and the community.
Therapy for Children of Divorce
Therapy for children of divorce can be the key to making a chaotic situation manageable. Children whose parents are going through a divorce often feel disempowered, anxious about an unknown future, and as though they do not have a voice. By participating in therapy, families going through a divorce can be supported by the therapist in navigating a path toward new family systems and structures.
Couples Thearpy
Couples therapy begins with a first meeting and discussion about the issues that have brought you to therapy. It is important that each person gets an opportunity to talk about their perception of the issues, so I will then meet with each person individually for at least one session each. We then come back together and begin to work on goals and expectations.